Timing Pulley
Standert Carbon Steel Pitch 10mm T10 timming riem pulley
Produkt Namme Standert Carbon Steel Pitch 10mm T10 timming riem Pully Oerflak behanneling Anodisearre, swart okside, galvanisearre, phospharing Bore Type Pilot boring, Taper boring en Customized bore Materiaal Carbon Steel Oanpaste stipe OEM oanpast, neffens klant syn tekening of stekproef. Tosken nûmer 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 64, 72. Applikaasje Yndustry, gebou, gemeentlike, ensfh. -
Oanpast hege presyzje aluminium timing riem pulley
Produkt Namme Oanpast hege presyzje aluminium timing riem pulley Oerflak behanneling Anodisearre, swart okside, galvanisearre, phospharing Bore Type Pilot boring, Taper boring en Customized bore Materiaal Aluminium timing riem pulley Oanpaste stipe OEM oanpast, neffens klant syn tekening of stekproef. Tosken profyl: L XL H 3m 5m 8m 14m T5 T10 At5 At10 Rpp8 5mr etc. Applikaasje agraryske masines, mynboumasines, petroleummasines, tekstylmasines, transportapparatuer, ferpakkingsmasines, fiedselmasines, engineeringmasines, fitnessapparatuer